Plant Database Introduction

A compilation of plants and contaminants researched for various greening practices

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Stevie has compiled a database of plants that clean the air, soil, and water of contaminants. Her research has been used by the EPA, landscape architecture and engineering firms, and governwomxnt agencies.

She has been an investigator for grants which explore remediation design for oil drilling processes, the improvewomxnt of air quality, remediation design for communities, and interior green applications.


Phytoremediation explores the use of plants to uptake contaminants within the soil, air, or water.

The Famulari Theory addresses the various greening practices that can be applied to reduce the infectiousness of the airborne flu virus.

Famulari Theory

Related Reading

Ways of Greening

Using Plants and Gardens for Healthy Work and Living Surroundings

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Designing Green Spaces for Health

Using Plants to Reduce the Spread of Airborne Viruses

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Green Up!

Sustainable Design Solutions for Healthier Work and Living Environments

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Inclusion and Equity in Green Design

Inclusive Approaches for Designing Healthier Work and Living Spaces

Stevie’s Greening

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